
3 Reasons Why Hypnosis Can Help With Your Weight Loss

The reasons for being incapable of controlling your weight are usually complex. Very few people are overweight simply because they eat too much. A deeper, emotional cause makes many turn to food for comfort.
The complexity of weight gain factors renders many traditional diets and weight loss programmes inefficient. Unless the underlying cause of the problem gets addressed the weight will simply come back on after some time.

Hypnosis is one of the best weight loss options because it takes a look at the causes and it helps address the issue in its full depth. Hypnosis has nothing to do with calorie counting and introducing severe restrictions. A therapist will simply get "access" to subconscious associations and thought patterns, making it easier to introduce new habits and satisfaction with the process.
So, why is hypnosis such a great option for weight loss?

1. Positive Reinforcement
Most weight loss programmes are severely restrictive. They list foods that need to be avoided and the ones that will contribute to weight gain. These approaches focus on negative feedback and restrictive patterns.
Hypnosis on the other hand, introduces positive suggestions. After undergoing several sessions, you will actually begin enjoying healthy foods and snacks much more than you used to.

2. Ability to Control Cravings
Cravings are a big reason for weight loss failure. Through hypnosis, patients learn how to control these cravings and how to make them disappear.
During sessions, good therapists will encourage patients to "send" the cravings away. A number of people have managed to keep their sugar and chocolate cravings under control after undergoing hypnotherapy.

3. Habit Modification
Through hypnosis, you can learn to enjoy foods that were previously anything but desirable. It is all about modifying the existing subconscious patterns that bring you gratification. These patterns could involve junk food, sweets, carbonated beverages or chocolate shakes.
A hypnotherapist will work on modifying these responses. Instead of having carbonated beverages, you will learn to opt for fresh vegetable juices and ice tea. "Learning" how to enjoy these healthier options will ultimately translate into weight loss.

A Hypnotherapist cannot Force You to do Something You Don't Want
Some people have a misconception about hypnosis. It probably stems from the way hypnotherapy is portrayed in mass media. As a result, individuals worry they will be forced to do something that they do not like or that will cause them embarrassment and shame.
Hypnosis is actually a deep state of relaxation that makes you more open to suggestion and willing to access memories or subconscious connections. In order to benefit from weight loss hypnotherapy, you actually have to desire weight loss. The more motivated you are, the sooner you will experience the benefits.

Explore Reasons for Overeating
Figuring out what is making you overeat can be the most efficient form of weight loss. A hypnotherapist will guide you through the process and give you access to problems and fears that you may actually be unaware of.
Your hypnotherapist will act as a coach who will take you through the process. Using carefully formulated scripts, the therapist will figure out what is troubling you by accessing suppressed memories and your subconscious fears. Understanding these deeper causes of problems can help you kick old habits once and for all.

Hypnotherapy will give you the tools that you need to lose weight and get into shape. Understanding what to expect and knowing how hypnotherapy will affect you can give you the peace of mind that you need to go confidently into a hypnosis session.
David Samson is a regular advisor to BBC Radio London. His work has been featured in The Times, The Telegraph, Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday and the Evening Standard. Using gentle & sympathetic techniques developed over 10 years practicing effective weight loss Hypnosis treatments.

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3 Reasons Why Hypnosis Can Help With Your Weight Loss