
A Slendertone Ab Belt to Improve Core Strength

How can a Slendertone Ab belt improve Core strength?
Primarily this system is sold with the essence on improving the appearance of the Abdominal area. This alone is a big selling point, however the improvements go far beyond that of the naked eye.

Although the primary muscle group the Slendertone Ab Belt targets is the Abdominals, it also brings about improvements in the surrounding area and supporting muscles.
Definition of Core Strength (also know as Core stability):-
"The balanced development of the deep and superficial muscles that stabilize, align, and move the trunk of the body, especially the abdominals and muscles of the back"
What are the benefits of improved core strength?

Improved stability, and balance.
Improved resistance to injury.
Increase in ease and safety in performing other exercises and sports.
Improvements in Stability and Balance.
How can this be improved and why you should focus on it.
Without getting too technical, as there is a lot of resource that assumes you understand human anatomy.

Improving your stability and balance is basically strengthening the muscles that as humans tend to deteriorate as we get older. For example. If you study the posture of a person in later life, one whom does not take regular exercise, you will notice that the shoulders appear to round forward, this is due in the main to a loss of the pronunciation in their lower back arch.
Think of a Gymnast, and notice how the lower back arch is very pronounced. This is our natural posture and as we get older we allow our sloppy resting habits to have a negative effect on this arch, almost always resulting in some mobility issues with some of our trunk/lumbar areas. As we rest this area in response to the pain or discomfort we experience, we further weaken our posture.

There is a very useful idea which suggests that if we moved, lifted and rested as if we had a lower back pain, then we would never experience lower back pain. Think of this for a moment. If you have ever had lower back pain you will know this only too well. It becomes excruciatingly painful to bend at the waist to pick something up, in fact it becomes impossible for us to endue the pain, so we bend our knees and crouch down, allowing the burden of lifting to be placed on our leg muscles primarily, but as humans we are lazy and mostly we will move in a way which we believe is most efficient.

During resting we sink into our couches allowing the lower back to round, believing falsely that this is resting! Try placing a small pillow, or rolled up towel where you feel your lower back arch is....Do you feel the difference? You may feel as though you are not resting or even comfortable..right? This is how as a species we allow our posture to deteriorate as we age.
Why does the Slendertone Ab Belt help?

The effectiveness of the belt when it is stimulating the Abdominal muscle group, means that as a natural response to the tension the belt imparts we tense our Abdominals, but we also generate a tension in our lower back muscles and whole lumbar area, to counteract the belts contraction force. This reaction is how the muscles are targeted and as a direct result strengthen. Regular use of the Slendertone Ab belt will improve our core muscle stimulation and aid in sustaining correct posture.

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A Slendertone Ab Belt to Improve Core Strength