
Carbohydrates - The Good and The Bad for Healthy Weight Loss

There are good carbohydrates and bad carbohydrates. Do you know what they are? Well you are like most people then. I recently learned more about this topic and thought I would help to clear some of the confusion up for you to help others be successful and losing weight and eating healthier for life!

It is important to note that I believe in a well-rounded diet. I do not believe in strict limitation of carbohydrates but a healthy selection for over all good health. I strongly believe that most people are overweight simply because of the amount of processed carbohydrates in their diet. These types of carbohydrates include: pasta, breads, rice, soft drinks, cereals, juices etc

Eating too much refined processed carbohydrates increases blood sugar swings and insulin surges which have a direct effect on how the body stores fat. It also increases cravings for more of the same types of foods and increases our appetite to eat more.
What is scary that even when you buy whole grain breads which claim to be healthy they are made from refined flour. Now refined flour is responsible for increasing blood sugar levels and creating those insulin surges in your body. As time goes on the body develops resistance for the insulin do to what it should in your body and this can eventually lead to Type 2 Diabetes.

Some simple tips to help you regain control in my opinion are:
1. Reduce eating pastas, rice, crackers, cereals, soft drinks etc. Try to focus more on eating grass-fed meats and eggs (free range where possible), heaps of veggies and grass-fed dairy.

2. You can get most of your daily intake of 'Good' carbs from fruits and veggies.

3. There are still ways to get grains into your diet. Try using oat bran instead of oat meals. 

Also try wheat germ and rice bran. These are great ideas for adding to salads, cheese, smoothies, yogurts etc.

4. It is hard for many people to drop 'Bad' carbs from their diet. So I have some tips for you to try such as avocados, grass-fed dairy and meats, seeds, nuts, free range eggs etc. These types of food contain 'Healthy Fats'. They are great sources of 'Quality Protein' essential for a healthy diet. Eating protein takes longer for the body to digest so help you feel fuller for longer and helps to control blood sugar and hormone levels.

So you can start to see that we can replace 'Bad' carbs with 'Good" carbs very easily with some tasty and delicious foods. We are tweaking our diet so that we can make a lifestyle change for better health for life!

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Carbohydrates - The Good and The Bad for Healthy Weight Loss