
Flex Belt

Tone Your Abs Electronically with the Flex Belt
The abdominal muscles are some of the most difficult muscles to tone and tighten, yet keeping them in good shape is important not only for looking good, but also for avoiding back pain and improving posture and gait. While crunches -- tens of thousands of them -- were once the traditional prescription for developing strong ab muscles, thanks to developments in medical technology, the Flex Belt has made building a strong core a lot easier.

Using specially designed medical gel pads to target abdominal and oblique muscles -- the muscles along the side of your waist -- the Flex Belt is worn around the waist for 30 minutes each day, passing a very gentle current to the nerves and causing underlying muscles to contract and relax naturally. Because the current is focused on the areas of the muscles most responsible for achieving tone and strength, the results achieved by regular use rival and even surpass results achieved through crunches alone.

The Flex Belt also eliminates back and neck strain that can be caused by many exercises like sit-ups and crunches which lift the upper torso and head from the ground. These exercises cause the muscles in the back and neck to tense while unsupported, resulting in muscle soreness and strain. Since the belt is worn during normal activities - sitting, standing,even lounging - the muscles of the neck and back remain firmly supported and strain is avoided.

But the biggest benefit is the way the Flex Belt tones abdominal muscles, sculpting and strengthening them with minimal effort in just a single daily 30-minute session. Unlike some devices that claim to offer benefits but end up only slimming your wallet, the Flex Belt is based on sound science and proven results; in fact, it's the first abdominal toning belt system cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for firming, toning and strengthening the muscles of the abdomen.

In each 30-minute session, targeted muscles contract and relax 150 times, but all you'll feel is a series of mild contraction-relaxation cycles as muscles respond. As your muscles become stronger, the belt is designed to respond by mildly increasing the pulses over time to provide the most effective workout possible.. It's so effective, it offers a 60-day money-back guarantee to customers who aren't completely satisfied with the results they see in just two months.

Touted by professional trainers and celebrities alike, the belt can be worn while you go about your regular routines, at home, at work, while doing housework or caring for your kids -- even while watching television.

Few people like to spend hours exercising and getting and staying motivated are the biggest obstacles to becoming fit and toned. The Flex Belt lets you exercise without effort and while doing activities that are actually enjoyable, making it easy for anyone to have the toned core they've always wanted.

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Flex Belt