
Why It Is Difficult to Lose Weight After 40

Why it is difficult to lose weight after 40
Dear reader!
Weight loss is a difficult task. You will have to make some healthy changes in your life. It is hard to lose weight after 40 but it is not impossible.
As we are ageing, our bodies go through a series of changes that seriously affect our body systems.
There are a few reasons in answer to the question.

Emotional States
Let me discuss this important step. As every day passes, we are getting older. It is simple with every breath we are getting old.
When you are in your 40s, you have business responsibilities, children, spouse, old parents, and a career to build.
40s is the most creative period of your life. You are fully mature and responsible. But responsibility brings stress with itself.

Every negative emotion, stress, tension, anxiety, fears causes a negative effect on our bodies.
Thus, negative emotions affect our immune system. This in turn will give raise to diabetes, heart attacks, emotional pains, and feeling of sickness.
What is the solution?
Try to enjoy your life. Feel young and happy.

Endocrine system
Thyroid gland is a big reason weight loss is hard after 40. Our pituitary gland and pineal glands will function well throughout our life span but the size of thyroid gland will gradually decrease with time. Young and middle-aged people face thyroid problems as compared to those in 60s.
Consult your doctor and have your glands examined. Take medication if necessary. Thyroid gland is a cause behind weight loss difficulties.
What we can do about it?
Do not blame thyroid glands. Your body is going through some changes, try to adjust yourself with these changes.

A recent research showed that by the end of 2063 world population is going to increase rapidly because of decreased death rate.
Population was decreased by controlling birth rate but more percentage of people will be living till their 100th birthday and many will cross this figure.
Do you want to celebrate your 100th birthday?
If so, take care of your health and do not blame hormones or thyroid glands.

High Blood pressure
High blood pressure also increases with age. However, do not worry; your body system will function well unless you have the following habits:
  • Habit of smoking
  • Habit of drinking
 Lack of exercise
Have you heard the old saying" Use it or lose it"
It is a great statement. If you are not using your body, you are going to lose it. Your career is important but do not put aside your health. You are not twenty years old. You cannot take health risks. Stop drinking and quit smoking otherwise you are going to die 20 years earlier than you thought.
We need muscles to lose weight. Muscles increase our metabolism rate and they will cut fats in our body.

However, for this purpose we need time and effort.
Make the necessary efforts and you will get the results. Left ventricle of our heart and our diaphragm do not lose muscle with age because they are active since we were born.
Most of us lose 1% of muscle fiber every year.
Please make an exercise plan and stick to it.

Dieting or over eating
Emotional issues are the cause of this reason. If you are emotionally disturbed, there are two common cases:
  • You will not eat anything; you are in stress. Food and drink does not matter to you.
  • You are doing overeating. You are not feeling well and you are eating because it will solve the problem for you.
 Both cases are not good. Try to eat 5 to 6 times a day and eat mind fully.
Forget all problems of the past and worries about the future. Focus on your meal, smile and enjoy it.
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Why It Is Difficult to Lose Weight After 40