
Self Talk - Motivation And Self Esteem

Getting into a healthier lifestyle is a choice. You choose to improve your health and change your lifestyle by learning to love yourself a little bit more. However, making the "healthier lifestyle" choice isn't the hard part. The hard part is sticking to your decision and making the most out of each day to get fit.
You might have tried various diets before. If you have, you've probably asked yourself why it didn't work. So, why didn't it?
Diets are just guides. They guide you towards better nutrition, better lifestyle choices and better workout systems. Most diets are actually effective. They all promote what our health requires. The weak link, however, is often ourselves.

When you decide to eat better or work out more, do you mentally prepare yourself for this decision? Or, do you just take it one day at a time? Making a decision like this requires mental preparedness. You need to truly grasp and realise how much this decision is going to affect you and your current way of life. For instance, if you regularly eat out because you're busy in your career, can you find alternative restaurants wherein grease and salt aren't on the menu? If you decide to exercise thrice a week, can you afford the money and time that you'd need to invest in a gym membership?
Getting into a healthier way of living is rewarding. And, given that it is rewarding, it often doesn't come easy. Expect the transition to be a hard one, with plenty of temptations and struggles in between. To help you stay on track despite these hurdles, here are some tips for you to remind yourself every day.

Wake Up with a Cause
The moment you wake up, talk to yourself about what you want to achieve for the day. Speaking thoughts aloud aren't easily retracted and this will help you make your cause more actionable. So, tomorrow, when you wake up say "I'm going to spend an extra half-hour on the treadmill this morning", or, "I'm going to start working on a new exercise circuit this afternoon".

• Think Wellness
Some people, when aiming for weight loss, change the amount of food they eat instead of changing the food. Don't just think of weight loss. Focus on wellness. It's the same as thinking of the long run instead of short-term results.

• Take Note of Small Changes
Do you have one of those calendars which you can write short notes on? What about a corkboard? Take note of small changes you have achieved so far. Write down how much weight you've lost in a week and do so for the following weeks to come. Each small victory will give you the motivation you need to keep going.

• Celebrate Small Victories
One way to feel good about your new journey is to celebrate it. It doesn't matter how small a victory you've achieved, as long as it's constructive. Have you lost 2 kilos this week? Celebrate it! Go out with friends and watch a movie. Buy yourself that new pair of shoes you've been dying to buy. This will drive you to achieve more in the future.

• Limit, don't Eliminate
One of the focus keywords in a healthier lifestyle is balance. You need to find the right balance between the good and the bad. Working out and staying idle. Eating right and eating too much. Just because your favorite chocolate mousse dessert isn't good for you or your health doesn't mean that you're not allowed to have a spoonful (or two!). Limit yourself but don't eliminate. This will help you feel less deprived and more satisfied.

• Focus on the Good
Some people feel discouraged once they've skipped a workout. Don't fall for this same mistake. Instead of focusing on the bad, focus on the good. Just because you ate 5 cupcakes at a friend's wedding does not mean that you've ruined everything you've been working for during the last two months. Get back on your treadmill and continue as before. Remind yourself of your small victories and aim to reach more.
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Self Talk - Motivation And Self Esteem