
How to Accomplish Your Diet Resolutions - 6 Steps to Succeeding

It's estimated that only 1 in 10 people successfully fulfill their New Years diet resolutions, which in fact is not a bad statistic, considering the challenges we and life place in front of it.
To make it even easier however, the following 5 steps have proven to be heavily influential when it comes to succeeding long term, as a diet should never be undertaken as a drastic short term measure, but a gradual change in the way you eat and also your physical behavior over time.

Step 1 - Stack the Odds in Your Favor
1. Team up - Find someone before the New Year who's also keen on getting a diet under way in January, or if you can't find someone look for weight loss groups in your area.
One good resource is which is a global community where you can look for people locally interested whatever your keen on.
And if that proves fruitless why not start a group - be in charge! And invite friends through your social networking sites like Facebook or Google+.

2. Ditch the temptations - Remove or give away to a local charity or friend all the cakes, biscuits, soda's, ice cream in the house and just feed your cravings when you're out at a restaurant.

3. Hang around nonfood hangouts - is also a great resource for doing nonfood activities.
Perhaps start doing yoga, or join a hiking, cycling, running club to put your life in a new direction.

Step 2 - Go Slow with More Fiber with Fish
1. Designate an all fiber day - There are soluble and insoluble fibers, both beneficial, soluble fibers gel with water slowing down your digestion keeping you fuller longer and insoluble fibers can have a laxative effect as they speed up the passage of food and waste through the gut.
By consuming just fiber for one day you help lower blood sugar levels, consume far less calories and flush the system with gut-healthy fibers.

2. Designate a fish day - Fish is the healthiest of lean meats, high in protein low in calories and rich in Omega 3 fatty acid which is wonderful for treating cardiovascular diseases often caused through weight gain.

3. Pack up a snack - A great way to keep you satiated is to put some muesli into container and bring a banana with you and come mid-morning or mid-afternoon, snack on some fibrous oatmeal with dried or fresh fruit or with some semi-skimmed milk.

Step 3 - Tackle Subconscious Bingeing
Often bingeing or snacking is something not appetite related but aids as a distraction to stress or boredom.
1. Busy your hands with something like a cup of green tea or glass of water.
2. Chew on a piece of gum or celery.
3. Floss or brush your teeth.

Step 4 - Designate a Food Color Day
1. A Yellow Monday - Go bright on New Years Monday; opt for pineapple or grapefruit for breakfast, a healthy omelet for lunch and perhaps grilled chicken (lean meat) with golden corn for dinner.

2. A Green Wednesday - Pizza is still a perfectly feasible way to diet as long as you top it with healthy foods and choose the right dough.
There are plenty of low fat pizza bases to be found in your local grocery store, and why not make it fun and get the kids involved to layer it with bell peppers, artichokes and green produce-infused chilli.

3. Rainbow Fruit Weekend - Fruits are an essential part to succeeding in your New Years diet. Mix up the fruit bowl to make it all the more delectable by adding some mangostein, oranges, granny smith green apples, rambutan, lychee and dragon fruit.

Step 5 - Water, Water and More Water
1. 10 cups for women 14 cups for men a day - It's essential that you drink lots of water as firstly drinking a tall glass water before you might binge will limit the amount you eat.

2. Water and alcohol - Mix your alcoholic drinks up with water as this again limits how much you drink, saves you money, helps you stay sober and hydrated, plus you limit your calorie consumption.
One glass of wine for your interest contains about 120 calories.

3. Drink water first thing in the morning - Drinking a pint of water in the morning before cleaning your teeth.
This rehydrates you for the morning, and also helps flush the digestive tract so in essence it's an early morning detox.

Step 6 - Take a Dietary Supplement
Consider taking a natural dietary supplement that is backed by governmental boards or in the case of the U.S - the FDA.
Certain Green Coffee Extracts are effective products that break down fat stores much faster.
Visit: Green Coffee Bean
However some of the best green tea supplements for detox can be viewed here:
Visit: Green Tea Wonders to really kick-start your New Years Diet resolution.
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How to Accomplish Your Diet Resolutions - 6 Steps to Succeeding