
5 Foods That Will Help Your Diet

"An Apple a Day... "
We all know that apples are beneficial for our health. However, it is less known that they are one of those foods claimed to have a negative caloric balance. In other words, you need more calories to digest an apple than it actually provides you with. In this sense, other such foods include limes and lemons, grapefruit and celery. In addition to the negative caloric balance, most of these foods are known to contain a lot of vitamins, so even if they don't work as a calories burner, they will make your immune system stronger.

Fill your stomach safely
The best way to do it is by eating lettuce. You can eat as much as you want, because 100 grams of lettuce contain 15 calories! Of course, eating only lettuce may not be so nice thing to do, but you can combine it with another champion of low calories - cucumbers, containing only 16 calories per 100 grams! All this is great, because everyone likes a big cup of green salad and it can't do you wrong. Just remember not to put oil in it.

Be healthy and prevent cancer
Although it is more caloric than lettuce, kale has its pros too. For example, it is very rich in anti-oxidants and it also can make you feel full without too much caloric intake - only 49 calories per 100 grams. So if you want to try something new and haven't tried kale so far, this is your next challenge! There are hundreds of kale recipes online, so you shouldn't find it too hard to prepare a delicious dish.

Stick with the trends
And the current trend in healthy and diet foods is called 'berries'. No matter what type of berries you choose, you will be fine. There are various theories that berries help the kidneys, the heart and the brain, prevent cancer and do a lot of other miracles for your body. So go and buy some blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and other types and enjoy them (I won't lie, they are pretty enjoyable diet food!).

Don't starve
Of course, all the foods above are really healthy and will help your diet, but you can't live only on them, unless you are a vegan. In order to keep your body strong and tuned, you will need to have some meat. And the best meat for diets is chicken. The good news is that there are thousands of recipes, so you will not get bored. Just take some meat, have fun cooking it and avoid using too much fat, because all the efforts will be in vain.
To cut a long story short there are foods that really can help you feel and look better. These foods will either help you burn more calories, or will help you stop feeling hungry without taking in too much calories. Don't forget that all fruits contain a lot of vitamins and they will not only help you lose some weight, but will also improve your immune system. Remember Meratol is a natural product and can help you with your diet.
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5 Foods That Will Help Your Diet