
Can Jump Rope Burn Belly Fat?

It's a fact that many people are obese. Eating way too much of the wrong types of food, sedentary jobs, not walking enough and not doing adequate exercise all mean that, each day, a lot of people have a calorie surplus which is converted to fat.
Fat is far more compared to a mere aesthetic concern too -- being overweight can have a profound effect on your health. Being obese increases your chances of experiencing a wide range of diseases and a lot of medical conditions not directly attributable to being obese are made worse by excess body fat.

Eating a little less and a little better are essential parts of the weight reduction equation but it's exercise that is arguably the most important factor. The issue is many people are so busy that finding time to exercise is almost impossible as work and family commitments can derail even the most enthusiastic exerciser.

Additionally, joining and then going to the health club is expensive -- both in terms of money and time. Fitness center fees can be very high plus joining fees, locker fees, personal training fees, car parking fees, buying the best exercise clothing ... while you may be losing pounds it'll be costing you £s to do it. Then you actually have to go to the health club so all that travelling to and fro means that a 30 minute exercise can end up taking you two hours!
So, if exercise is so essential for fat burning, yet going to the fitness center can be prohibitive for a lot of exercisers, what is the alternative? The simple answer is jump rope.

Skipping rope with a speed rope means you can workout without even leaving your home or office. All you need is a few square meters of space and your trusty speed rope and you are off! No expensive equipment, lengthy journeys or costly health club fees required.
So if you make a decision that a jump rope seems like an excellent method to get in shape and lose weight, what type of workouts can you do with it? The answer is; lots. Right here are 5 simple exercise ideas designed to get you fit and help you lose weight using nothing more than a jump rope.

• Boxing intervals
Skip rope for three minutes, rest for 60 seconds. Repeat three to five times for an easy but effective exercise.

• 30/30 intervals
Skip for 30 seconds and then do a quick set of press ups-- 10 or so is great. Jump back up and skip for a further 30 seconds and then do a quick set of squats. Continue alternating using your jump rope with press ups and squats for 15 to 20 minutes.

• Tabatas
Short of time but still need a good exercise? Skip rope as fast as you can for 20 seconds and then enjoy a leisurely 10 second rest. Repeat for 8 to 10 sets to total around 5 minutes. Ideal for when you are in a rush.

• Pyramids
Do 10 jump rope turns and then rest for 5-10 seconds. Next, do 20 turns and rest again. Keep adding 10 speed rope turns until you peak with 100. After that go back down the other side of your pyramid by doing 10 less turns per set until you get back to ten. Total number of jump rope turns completed equals 1000 and lots of calories burnt too.

• 500 turn challenge
See just how quickly you can do 500 jump rope turns. When you next do this exercise, see how much faster you can do it.

Using nothing more than an easy jump rope, you can get into great shape. Exercise can often seem complex but really, it does not need to be. Do 20 to 30 minutes of jump rope a day and you'll see how effective but simple exercise actually is.
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Can Jump Rope Burn Belly Fat?