
Lose belly fat in 15 days

As soon as the New Year comes, I always become nostalgic. The memories of those days, when I used to make New Year resolutions of weight loss in Los Angeles are still fresh in my mind. Each year, I made the same resolution and failed to implement due to low willing power and motivation. Aunt Rose (Dietitian) came into my life as a new dawn. She guided a lot and motivated me to lose some weight. And look, today, I have a perfect figure. As we are nearing New Year, many of you must have made resolutions to lose belly fat, which really looks clumsy. Today, I am sharing the life-changing tips given by my Aunt with all of you. Believe it or not, I lost my belly fat by implementing these tips in less than 15 days. These weight loss tips will surely help the people of Beverly Hills.

Vigorous exercise
Give a half hour of your day for vigorous exercise, do it for at least 4 days a week. It can help to burn the visceral fat. Aerobic exercises for 45 minutes, done 4 days a week will help you to shed that extra fat of tummy. Jogging is another good exercise. If your fitness level is good, jog or use a treadmill. You can also do full body exercises like lunges, pushups, pulls – make a one set of all these activities and repeat it 10 times. Do 15 sets of crunches and leg raises. I think you will be able to burn about 600-700 calories per workout.
You can do work out in your daily routine work also. Use stair cases instead of elevator. Walk for 25 steps after every 30 minutes in your home or even in the office. Walk instead of using vehicles. On weekends, do some house cleaning. Don't just spend your day in watching TV and lying down.

Yoga It is an effective way of achieving flat stomach, but you need to be consistent. There are many reasons of flabby belly; stress, unhealthy habits, lack of exercise and sleep. Yoga can help you to get rid of abdominal fat.
Kapalbhati focuses on exhaling. It is a breathing exercise that contracts abdomen muscle. Do it for 15 minutes. It also brings a glow on your face. Basically, kapal means forehead and bhati implies shine. Sit in Padmasana and exhale forcefully. Do at least 10 repetitions.

Eat breakfast within an hour of waking up. Take your breakfast on the same time, throughout the week. Eat protein and high fiber food like eggs, fruits, fruit juices, green vegetables, peanut butter. Don't take sugar at all. Reduce the intake of fat in your diet. If you are in stress, your body will secrete cortisol that is interrelated with tummy fat. So take a good sleep of up to 7 hours. Increase intake of Vitamin C. It balances cortisol hormone. Kiwi fruit, orange, bell peppers contain Vitamin C.

Drink plenty of water for an active metabolism. Remember one thing; if you want to lose weight, you have to restrict your calorie intake. Otherwise, you will not lose belly fat.
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Lose belly fat in 15 days