
Obesity: An American Epidemic

Just take a look around you. You see them everywhere: America's obese. I'm not going to pull any punches here. You can tell me all you want that you are happy with your body just the way it is -- and that's a good place to start. But, if you really love yourself and your family, you will do what you have to do to maintain a healthy body weight.
I live in the South. Statistically, speaking, the southern states are among the most obese in the nation. Probably a by-product of almost everything being fried (even pickles, ice cream and cheese cake!) and not enough exercise.

The state of Arkansas is tied for 10th place with Ohio in the fattest states of the nation. 28.8 percent of the population -- 849,312 people are obese. 2/3 of the United States population is obese, including our children.
Why should you care? Because the leading cause of death today can be attributed to preventable diseases that are connected to obesity. This goes far beyond being just a cosmetic issue. This is literally life or death.
We weren't always this way. I can remember when I was growing up that people with weight problems seemed to be rare. Now the tables have turned and those who are fit are in the minority.

We are a spoiled nation. We have it easy. Things have come a very long way from our nation's beginnings. When the first settlers came from Europe, they had to work hard to build a home, and provide for their everyday necessities.
There were no gyms, no bike trails, no exercise videos... there was no need. Daily life kept you in shape. You had to work hard to survive.
Over the centuries, modern inventions made life easier... and made us more sedentary. Instead of physical work outside in the fresh air and sunshine, we now have desk jobs in artificially lit cubicles or offices.

We don't have to hunt to put food on the table, or till the soil to grow crops. We just go to the store and buy whatever our hearts (or stomachs) desire. The fattier and sweeter the better!
But modern conveniences and store bought food has taken its toll on us.
We just celebrated Thanksgiving Day here in the United States. I encourage you to count your blessings, and close to the top of the list should be your health. If you are alive and breathing, then you are blessed. If you are overweight, you can change that. Don't wait until the New Year and make a resolution you won't keep. Start today to create a better, healthier you.

Do it for yourself. Do it for your family. Do it because your life depends on it.
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Obesity: An American Epidemic