
The New Wave in Body Contouring: i-Lipo

weight loss, surgery, diet,

Traditionally, we have had limited options when it comes to body reshaping without exercise or invasive measures such as liposuction. What about those stubborn areas in our bodies that won't respond to exercise like saddlebags and the tummy pouch? i-Lipo is a revolutionary FDA-approved procedure developed as a non-invasive body sculpting procedure that is painless and constitutes no downtime yet delivers results comparable to traditional liposuction.

What is i-Lipo and How Does It Work?
i-Lipo utilizes cutting-edge laser technology to jumpstart your body's natural fat-burning abilities. Due to factors such as heredity, diet and metabolism, our bodies store fat from excess calories to use in times of need differently based on the individual. Our fat cells are designed to expand and grow through the storage of excess fat. i-Lipo does not destroy cells. Instead, it causes the cells to actually decrease in size.
Through the use of i-Lipo, you can shape your body by shrinking fat cells and reducing annoying traits that can't be eliminated through exercise alone. The technology stimulates your cells to release stored triglycerides or fats through cell membranes. Then, the excess is burned off after treatment.

This award-winning procedure can have you out the door and on your way in as little as 20 minutes. You don't need to undergo any lengthy or stressful recovery time or experience any pain. There are no needles, and it's safe to use on a regular basis for all types of skin.
Any part of your body where fat storage takes place can be treated. Typically, i-Lipo is used on the stomach and waistline, legs, thighs and arms to reduce the circumference. i-Lipo can even be used under your chin to get rid of that pesky double chin that forms with age or weight gain.

When you come in for treatment, the i-Lipo technician positions the treatment pads in the area you want to contour and that's it. The i-Lipo technology does all the work, and no further action is needed. This non-invasive procedure can typically be completed in around 20 minutes per session. Come in twice a week for a month and see improvements with every session until you reach your optimal results. Most patients see a 10% reduction in inches after a treatment plan is completed.
How is it Different from Traditional Liposuction?
Liposuction is a major surgical procedure that can be dangerous. Liposuction involves physical fat suction from the body through incisions. It requires major downtime and results in bleeding, bruising and swelling. The procedure carries risks of infection and even death, and recovery typically takes weeks. Patients will also need to take antibiotics in case of infection following surgery.

Unlike surgical liposuction, i-Lipo does not involve any surgery, incisions, or medication. It takes minutes in comparison to the to hours of surgery in liposuction, and you can return to your daily life immediately after each treatment. i-Lipo uses lasers that penetrate the skin with low levels of light and does not cause pain, bruising, or swelling. It is typical to see progressive results with every session.
You can get the body you've always wanted without diet or exercise using this innovative and non-invasive technology. Schedule a consultation with an i-Lipo technician to discuss what plan would work best for you to achieve the shape you want in no time.
Kaisa is a Licensed Aesthetician specializing in medical-grade chemical peels. Her training includes Obaji, LaRoche-Posey, and Microdermabrasion. Her caring nature and dedication to the best in skin care leaves each client with an individualized program that brings out the best in their appearance, as well as, their skin health. For more information about i-Lipo visit Skin NV today.

Beauty, Skin Care, Hair, MakeUp: Beauty-Rome
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The New Wave in Body Contouring: i-Lipo