
Kou Tea - New 4 in 1 Detox Diet - Lose Up to 5lbs a Week

Kou Tea is a blend of 4 potent teas designed to deliver maximum weight loss if you follow a fairly moderate diet, veering clear of bad salts and refined sugars and tying that in with some regular daily exercise.
Claimed by U.S manufacturers to be one of the easiest ways to lose weight, you could they add lose up to 5lbs a week

Kou Tea's claimed key strengths
  • * Stop late night binges
  • * Lose as much as 20lbs a month
  • * Get rid of body fat fast
  • * No longer store excess fat
 Kou Tea's 4 key tea catechins:
  • * Oolong Tea
  • * Powerful Green Tea
  • * Pu-erh Tea
  • * White Tea
 1. Oolong
Oolong is probably the most powerful of the 4 in terms of its weight loss credentials.
Backed up with plenty of research its polyphenols (bacteria which helps protect the plant) helps control obesity by regulating your fat metabolism and attracting certain types of enzymes which enhance your body's cell function.
Packed with nutrition, it contains carotin, folic acids, calcium, copper, potassium, manganese, selenium and vitamins A, B, C, E and K.
Linked to helping to reduce chronic heart conditions and inflammatory diseases, Kou Tea may also relieve stress according to the Osaka Institute for Health Care Science by as much as 18%.

2. Powerful Green Tea
It's the catechins present in all four of these plants, especially the traditional powerful green tea that the University of Maryland Medical Center first reported that they possess the anti-oxidants to flush the body from certain free radicals which may cause cancer.
So its key benefits are that it may remove toxins that may contribute to health issue, boost your metabolism, maintain your weight once you've dropped a number of pounds and help those who are averagely to severely overweight to lose some weight without additional activity.

3. Pu-erh
This tea is a new addition to diet supplements but is already proving popular in the U.S.
It works as an antifungal, anti-inflammatory and anti-mutagenic - meaning it will help improve your natural immune system.
It additionally has the ability to lower bad cholesterol levels, increase blood circulation, help you digest food better and suppress the fatty acid synthesis process, meaning it works to allow your body to naturally lose excess weight.

4. White Catechins
Extracted from just the buds and leaves, it is sourced for its wonderful flavor.
A number of these catechins dietary products can be quite bitter but this catechin is known for its high quality taste.
Its polyphenols are often used in topical cosmetic creams to help flush the skins toxins aiding you to look younger, and like most polyphenols extracted from these specific plants, may again help lower high cholesterol levels and promote blood circulation.
Each package contains 60 2kg bags where the recommended dosage is 2 cups a day and as stated to increase your diet improvements further you should consume low fat foods as well as exercise 30-40 minutes a day as regular daily activity alone will ensure that most people will lose roughly 4lbs a month.

Additional compounds:
These include detoxifying alkaloids Theine, Theobromine and Theophyline and THE super charged amino acid Theanine.
Kou Tea's claimed health benefits:
  • * Lose up to 5 pounds a week
  • * A massively charged up metabolism
  • * Stop those appetite cravings
  • * Advanced body fat burning 
For the Top 3 Green Tea Supplements for detox and diet:
Visit: Green Tea Wonders
Additionally, if you're considering a powerful fat burner take a look at the 3 most popular green coffee bean extracts:
Visit: Green Coffee Bean
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Kou Tea - New 4 in 1 Detox Diet - Lose Up to 5lbs a Week