
Tea Tone Plus - Only Detox Weight Loss Formula to Include Green Tea Catechins and Raspberry Keytones

Like Kou Tea, Tea Tone Plus includes a combination of green tea plant extracts derived from Green Select Phytosome, Pu-erh Tea Extract and Oolong Tea Extract, however the "plus" refers to one additional ingredient and that is Razberi-K.

1. Razberi-K
Also referred to as raspberry keytones, these are compounds that do 2 things:
a) They help stimulate the release of norepinephrine:
Norepinephrine is a powerful brain-signaling hormone that when released in larger doses will cause fat cells to break down.
b) They help stimulate adiponectin levels:
Adiponectin is a protein that moderates fat metabolism and by increasing adiponectin levels, you help your body speed up its metabolism.
As a result of including keytones to stimulate both adiponectin levels and the release of norepinephrine, it supports body fat reduction in two ways: it may increase glycerol release which has been shown to augment oxidation of body fat and thermogenesis, while reduce the absorption of dietary fats.

Green Select Phytosome, Pu-erh and Oolong Tea Extract
Additionally, all these 3 green tea extracts amount to each dietary capsule to include 800mg of GTC (green tea catechins).

2. Green Select Phytosome
By taking Green Select Phytosome alone research from one clinical trial in Ehime University Japan demonstrated an average weight loss of 30.52lbs from 50 subjects over 90 days who drank 2 cups of this polyphenol a day.
3. Pu-erh
Pu-erh may well help prevent cardiovascular diseases by suppressing fatty acid synthesis and is also registered for causing the body to expend ore fuel and stimulate the hearts central nervous system.
4. Oolong
Oolong is an extremely rich in anti-oxidants and is found to aid weight loss quite differently: by stimulating lipolysis which is where the body burns fat stores to supply energy to other parts of the body.
Lipolysis also blocks lipase function, which is an enzyme that breaks fat down once it's consumed, therefore it restricts fat absorption.
Tea Tone Plus key health benefits:
  • * It prohibits fat from forming
  • * It relives inflammation
  • * It increases metabolism
  • * It reduces hunger
  • * It helps burn fat fast
  • * It detoxes your body
  • * It reduces bloating
 Bottom line:
Unlike all other green tea catechins dietary supplements, Tea Tone Plus is the only so far on the market to include raspberry keytones, or Razberi-K as they've patented their particular modified extract.
Therefore if you'd like to include both this compound and 3 arguably powerful catechins in your new weight loss diet, this 3+1 formula could well aid you well in your upcoming or existing diet plan.
For the Top 3 Green Tea Supplements for detox and diet:
Visit: Green Tea Wonders
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Tea Tone Plus - Only Detox Weight Loss Formula to Include Green Tea Catechins and Raspberry Keytones