
Will Eating At Restaurants Alone Render Cellulite Reduction Methods Less Effective?

Cellulite can be a real bother. The ugly appearance of this skin condition does not allow you to slip into a sexy swim suit while the lumpy look of the upper arms compel you to seek refuge in a long-sleeved top or jacket. If you're trying various cellulite removal techniques, medical and at-home remedies, you must be curious to know what works and what doesn't. In the process, you must have come across a statement such as, "eating at restaurants can interfere with cellulite removal."
Is there any truth in this statement? You can find out towards the end of the article after we've explain the cellulite mystery.

The Causes
The causes of this unsightly skin condition vary from person to person. However, there is a common thread running through all.

1. Hormone-related causes - Hormones are enzymes that regulate important body processes. The type and proportion of hormones is different in men and women. An increase in the level of estrogen increases the formation of fatty deposits in the body. Estrogen is a predominant hormone in women and hence cellulite is more pronounced in men than women.

2. Genetic cause - Experts suggest that many have a genetic predisposition of developing cellulite. This is in terms of fat distribution patterns within the body. However, the claim lacks substantial evidence and is still being studied.

3. Dietary and exercise - When speaking about cellulite, you must remember that this condition is not confined to overweight or obese individuals; women with a lean figure might also develop cellulite. The reason is this condition is associated more with fat distribution and storage than its amount. Poor diet (high fatty and sodium foods) and lack of exercise make cellulite worse.

How does cellulite form?
The subcutaneous layer, the third layer of the skin from the top, stores fat in the body. When thees fat cells expand, the surrounding connective tissue also stretches to accommodate the growing cells. However, sometimes, the connective tissue is rigid and it does not flex. With no place to expand, the fatty cells make their way through the openings between the connective tissue bands. As the fat cells continue to grow, the bulges become visible on the outside. The lumpy appearance is called cellulite.
In this skin condition, the outer surface of skin lacks firmness. It develops an uneven texture similar to the texture of an orange peel. Hence, it is also known by other names such as the orange-peel and cottage-cheese phenomenon.

Now coming to the main question - does eating at restaurants render cellulite reduction methods less effective? The answer is a loud YES. Meals served at restaurants and eateries are known for their high-fat and sugar content. Only a small portion of dietary fat and sugar is converted into energy for use. The remaining is stored in the form of fat deposits for use when food is unavailable to the body. If you continue to eat at restaurants, you supply the body with more energy (dietary fat and sugar) than it needs. The fatty deposits in the subcutaneous layer continue to expand worsening the problem of cellulite. This would not be the case if you ate more of home-cooked food since you choose healthier options and are careful of what goes into a dish.
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Will Eating At Restaurants Alone Render Cellulite Reduction Methods Less Effective?