
6 Things That Can Make You Fitter and Healthier

Being in great shape is a fantastic feeling that can fill you with more energy, more confidence and more vitality. You will be less prone to illness, more capable in physical activities, and others will notice that you look healthy and well. But this isn't something that comes for free, rather looking healthy and well is something you have to work for - something you have to earn. And many people feel that being in their best possible health would simply take too much work and effort for them to realistically achieve.

Of course this is the wrong attitude, and actually there are many small ways you can make yourself healthier and fitter that needn't take that much work at all. Here are 6 quick things you can do that will make it much easier for you to stay healthier, slimmer and fitter.
Get Smaller Crockery: When we have smaller bowls and plates it forces us to take smaller portions. This has a profound effect on our psychology that ultimately means we end up eating less - most of us won't go so far as to go for seconds.

Take the Stairs to Work: Work on the top floor of your office building? Might seem like a hassle - until you realise it's a great way to get into shape. Stop taking the lift and start taking the stairs and you'll be surprised how many calories it burns.
Eat Complex Carbs for Breakfast: Bread, pasta and certain cereals are 'complex carbs' meaning they gradually release sugar throughout the day. By eating these first thing you will have a more steady supply of energy meaning that you won't feel tired and will be less inclined to eat snacks/more likely to exercise.

Get Fresh Air: A lot of people spend too much time indoors whether it's working on the computer or just relaxing. This robs them of fresh air and of the vitamin D boost they should be getting from the sun. Make sure to seek out some fresh air on a regular basis and your health will benefit.

Drink More Cold Water: Most of us spend the majority of our time slightly dehydrated which is of course not very good for our general health. By drinking more water you will boost your immune system, enhance brain function and improve your skin. At the same time though, drinking cold water will help to burn calories as your body has to warm it back up.
Create a Space and Train 10 Minutes a Day: Now you've made these changes you'll already be more energetic, more hydrated and generally healthier and more free from illness. 

On top of that just ten minutes a day can really make a big difference to your health (if you end up doing more each day though of course that's no bad thing). To start training even ten minutes though you're going to need to make it as easy as possible to start working out - so make sure you have a space on your floor where it's easy to do some press ups or sit ups, and consider throwing in something like a pull up bar.

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6 Things That Can Make You Fitter and Healthier