
Which Is Better for Weight Loss Nose Breathing Or Mouth Breathing?

The Nose Is For Breathing
The nose has only two purposes
1- To Breathe
2- To smell
Breathing through your nose is important for your overall health, because it is the most relaxed form of breathing.
On the other hand the mouth has many purposes
To consume food
To speak
It's sensual
Lastly it is a backup system for breathing through the nose.

Benefits of Nasal Breathing
Decreased stress on your heart
Reduces overall stress
Reduces your pulse rate
Improves oxygenation of your blood
And what we are all looking for: Increased stamina and endurance.
Prevents overtraining.
  • Physical Benefits
The nose warms the air going into the lungs and the sinuses filter the air.
You can double your resistance training by breathing through your nose because it doubles the work of your lungs.
Becoming aware of how you breathe during the day will help you breathe better when your are sleeping.
Mouth breathing is also called shallow breathing because a large percentage of oxygen doesn't make it to the lower areas of the lungs.

Effect On Weight Loss
Breathing through your mouth causes physical reactions similar to the "fight or flight response" we feel when faced with danger. Your body in turn:
1- Increases your heart rate
2- Releases Cortisol and Adrenaline
3- Dilation of your Lungs
4- And what matters to us most "Impaired Digestive Function"

Breathing through your nose will help you become more relaxed and make you be more aware of what you are eating and why you are eating. Your consciousness would be more focused on your diet and your body will improve your relaxation response, improving your digestion.

Think how this applies to hypnosis. The first thing they ask you to do is take a deep breath through your nose to help you relax. Deep breathing is best accomplished by filling your lungs with the warm, filtered air provided through your nose. When under stress the easiest way to bring down your heart rate is to take a nice slow breath through your nose, because it expands your lungs to there fullest.

When doing affirmations or self-talk you should use this breathing technique to slow down your thinking and slow down your thought process. This process helps you to be in the moment by being fully aware of being in the now. Breathing itself is an affirmation of life and how we choose to breathe directly affects our health. Remember that one day we will be drawing our last breathe, so make that one come as far in the future as possible.
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Which Is Better for Weight Loss Nose Breathing Or Mouth Breathing?