
Find the Good Fats in These Foods

Wait- fat can help you lose weight? It might sound contradictory, but that's because not all fat is the same. There are good fats that regulate blood sugar, lower levels of harmful cholesterol, and yes, help you lose weight. Where can you find them?

Avocado: Whether you eat them whole or mash them into guacamole, avocados are an excellent source of healthy fats. They also contain other nutrients like vitamin E and lutein. Avocados improve your body's ability to absorb nutrients from other foods as well, so there really is no reason to skip this beneficial vegetable. Add it to salads and sandwiches or spread it on some toast.

Nuts: When it comes to nuts, a small handful goes a long way to fill you up and provide a significant dose of healthy fats. Most varieties pack additional benefits as well. Pistachios have been shown to lower LDL-cholesterol levels and boost antioxidants in the blood. Hazelnuts are rich in minerals that aid in the formation of bones and the absorption of iron. Pine nuts are a great source of iron and make a tasty addition to salads and veggie dishes. Almonds and walnuts contain protein, fiber, and magnesium. Swapping a processed snack like pretzels or crackers for nuts will supply you with healthy fats and vital nutrients, as well as keep you full longer.

Oils: Not all vegetable oils make for healthy choices, but there are a few that provide the right type of fat. Olive oil contains up to 10 grams of monounsaturated fat in just one tablespoon. Extra-virgin provides the highest amount of antioxidants, but keep in mind that these break down when exposed to heat. Flaxseed oil is another solid option, with studies suggesting that it might work to prevent cancer.

Seeds: They're not incredibly filling on their own, but adding a sprinkling of sesame or sunflower seeds to a meal provides an extra serving of the fat your body needs. Both are rich in protein and fiber as well. Sesame seeds offer a sufficient serving of zinc, a mineral that aids in the production of collagen. Add them to chicken or fish before baking to create a nice crust. Both sesame and sunflower seeds work well on salads.
Add a little adventure to your grocery shopping and eating habits by adding these tasty - and healthy - foods to your routine. Shaking up your habits can be fun and help you reach your weight loss goals.
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Find the Good Fats in These Foods