
How To Never Give Up On Yourself

It is too easy to start a diet or resolve to lose weight. It really is. Anyone can do it. Anyone can say to themselves, 'I am going to lose these unwanted pounds.' The problem is that by the time you need to put in the hard work to make your resolution a reality, your body balks and you start scrounging around for excuses to stop what you are doing. Worst of all, you start looking for other people, circumstances, or things to blame. If you are tired of starting weight loss projects but failing to follow through, here are some simple tips on how to never give up on your weight loss quest.

Take time off to plan
Most people who start diets look in the mirror, realize they are overweight, resolve to lose weight, start a program, and, after a while, they stop. This is an all too predictable pattern and chances are quite high that you have done this too. If you often find yourself in this situation, you might want to give yourself some time to take off to plan your weight loss project. Losing weight is a marathon. It is not a sprint. It takes commitment and a singular focus on your goal. It isn't something you start on a whim or because of some emotional trigger. It takes some serious planning and goal setting to pull off. Otherwise, you are just setting yourself up for disappointment. As the old saying goes-if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. Make sure you set up a weight loss plan. Pick a plan that fits your personality and your energy level. Don't pick a plan just because some celebrity endorses it. You have to make sure the weight loss regimen you are going to implement fits your actual lifestyle and personality.

It is okay to start slow as long as you start
The hardest part in losing weight is starting. Most people never seem to get past the stage where they look at the mirror and 'resolve' to lose weight. Many people get to the stage where they plan out their weight loss but can't get to the point where they actually implement their plan. It is okay to start your plan off slow. Maybe start with half the appetite suppression or workout portion. Maybe even a fraction. Regardless, what is important is that you start. Starting is the hardest part. The good news is that once you got yourself to start on your plan, you can then incrementally add to your daily routine. The key is to just get started.

Put yourself on an upward spiral
The key to never quitting your weight loss plan is to constantly get validation from whatever you are doing. Be appreciative of whatever progress you achieve every single day. Use these achievements to fuel your efforts the next day. Take it day by day. When you step on that scale and notice that you've shed a few pounds, this is your psychological fuel to try harder the next day. The more rewards you see, the more your mind is resolved to keep pushing forward. The key to never quitting is to always look for some sort of mental reward that will push you forward. This might take the form of weight lost-regardless of how modest. 

This might also take the form of 'x' marks on your calendar-each 'x' marking a day where you did your full workout. Choose whatever psychological trigger works for you. When you do this, you will find it hard to quit because you have already made so much progress and you don't want to lose your past achievements. Moreover, if you follow a routine long enough, it becomes a habit.


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How To Never Give Up On Yourself