
Acai Berry - A Superfood for Weight Loss

Claims about health products like quick weight loss diet programmes, slimming gels etc are plentiful in the market. Acai Berry is also one such product, which has gained unprecedented attention. But the big question is - Is Acai Berry true?
Well for many reasons, I would believe it to be YES? Let's examine the facts logically without viewing the product claims.
Fruits and vegetables are considered a good source of nutrients and antioxidants. Medical research authenticates that darker ones score even more.
One such good example is of berries right from acai to goji.

Blueberries popularly known as 'blue dynamos' are power packed with manganese an energy-booster and vitamin K, which is essential for bones.
Camu Camu berries another product of the Amazon rain forest. It is power packed with vitamin C, which helps to fight common occurrences of cold and flu. It also helps to maintain healthy eyes, gums and skin, and plays a role in strengthening the tendons and ligaments.

Cranberries come packed with flavonoids and are popularly known as 'super berries' as they help in maintaining good immunity levels. It is recommended to have these berries year round for good health.

Goji berries are commonly used by Chinese medicine practitioners in ailments such as diabetes and high blood pressure, the good maintenance of eye sight, liver and kidneys. These berries are a rich source of vitamins C & E, beta-carotene and lycopene too.

Acai berry has good levels of anti-oxidants, minerals, and vitamins that keep up the immunity, thereby boosting health. Again, like Chile's golden berries they are rich in vitamin B, protein and fibre. Research suggests they help to regulate metabolism while keeping you full for longer. This could be one reason for their use in weight management.
Keeping in view of the natural benefits of Acai Berry, the Acai supplement has been formulised for weight loss and well being. Needless to say a good dietary regime and exercise are also a must. The combined power of these 3 works towards delivering good results.

Acai berry - a superfood healthy life style option?
There are numerous health benefits of berries. More than one can imagine. Therefore, they are included in super foods.
Berries have natural properties as antioxidants, healing and maintaining energy levels, bone health, heart healthy etc. Of the several Acai Berry is considered far better on certain grounds.

Why is Acai berry considered so good?
Heart healthy
It is rich in plant sterols, which provide cardio-protective benefits like preventing blood clots, improving blood circulation, and relaxing the blood vessels.

Weight loss
It is believed that the berry helps in stimulating metabolic rate, which in turn burns body fat and aids in weight loss.

Anthocyanins found in Acai give cellular protection against the invasion of free radicals. A high level of Vitamin C and ellagic acid combination works as an immune-system-booster.

Skin care
The high levels of antioxidants are believed to help in maintaining a healthy youthful glow. For this reason a lot of products these days carry Acai oil.

Digestion - Rich source of fibre
It has dietary fibre, which helps relive constipation by keeping the colon clean. This also aids in weight control.

Anti ageing
10 times the amount of antioxidants as grapes and twice of blueberries makes it a contributor in slowing the ageing process. Antioxidants have the ability to slow down oxidative damage which is related to ageing.

Energy booster
It helps in maintaining good energy levels and stamina, thereby, preventing fatigue and exhaustion.
All the above benefits make Acai Berry a healthy option and safe to try for weight loss.
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Acai Berry - A Superfood for Weight Loss