
The Christian Bale Weight Loss

The Christian Bale Weight Loss is as a direct result of the Christian Bale Workout, so the important thing is to try to understand the secret of why it is so effective.
One thing that is very clear is that it works, and it can get you to have a lean toned body. If you have seen him in his movies, where the part requires great strength and physique, you can see that he trains to get the toned lean body that we all wish we could have.

Workout of Christian Bale

The workout is very tough, but if you do it every other day you will have Christian Bale's body! First off, he would do pushups with a deck of cards. Shuffle up the cards and flip them over. Grab one card at a time and do however many pushups are on the card. Take a 10 second rest and grab another card. Do this until all the cards are gone. Next, find something that you can hang from and do the exact same thing with pullups. This will obviously be much harder so do the best you can. As Christian got stronger during his training he started doing pushups from different positions. You can put your feet on a chair or keep them on the floor and do pushups with your hands on the chair. You can also do the same thing for pullups by putting your hands in different positions such as inner, outer, and reverse grip.

The workout consists mainly of the following exercises:

  • Bench presses
  • Jump squats
  • High pull ups
  • Power cleans
The abdominal workout is what really made his body what it was. He did 3 different ab exercises. Crunches with his feet up on a chair, leg lifts, and side to side crunches. He would do these continuously for 20 minutes one time in the morning and one time at night. You want to try to take as little a break as possible and go till failure. It is a very tough workout and will make you exhausted, but it is well worth it.
  1. Last, and maybe most important, Christian Bale supplemented with something called Acai Berry. This is a new fat burning formula that is also loaded with energy boosters. It is all-natural so it would not effect his diet at all, and he has preached this like crazy all over the place.
  2. Obviously, Christian Bale has a pretty phenomenal body in the Batman movies and it will be tough to achieve. If you are able to follow the workout I provided along with the diet and use of Acai Berry, you will be doing everything that he did to get that body. You can also get a free trial of Acai Berry by clicking the link!
  3. With each exercise, the reps need to be at least 6, and can go till 12. For maximum results, you need to workout five days a week, and the same goes for the cardio. This is to ensure that the maximum calories are burned.
  4. To be able to get the Christian Bale abs, the training needs to involve intense ab exercises. The important thing with abs is that the percentage body fat needs to be at a minimum for the abs to be visible. The ab training would involve the use of cable chops, kneeling cable crunches as well as swiss balls.

The Success of Christian Bale Weight Loss

The success of every weight loss program is supported by a healthy diet. Getting lean requires one to eat proper foods that consist of proteins, lean meats, good fats, fruits and vegetables. Junk foods, packaged foods as well as sugary foods have no space in a successful weight loss training regimen. 

You can see from the list above that the exercises employ explosive movements that use most of the body muscles, which in turn produces the best results.

Getting Christian Bale's Body is Not Impossible

If you have seen Christian Bale in most of his movies, he does not have the amazing ripped body that he has in Batman Begins or The Dark Knight. You may think a lot of this was done with CGI to make him look different then he does, but that can only go so far. If you would really like to have that body, then listen carefully and follow this exact workout!
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The Christian Bale Weight Loss