
Calculating BMI and Body Fat Percentage Calculator

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Question : how do you calculate bmi with "Calculating BMI" and Body fat percentage calculator ?

Calculating BMI

how do you calculate bmi ? Calculating BMI and how do you calculate bmi is body fat percentage calculator, is a mathematical process of categorizing your weight according to your height. The calculation can be made manually or via an automated method. BMI categories are underweight, normal weight, overweight and obese. the check your body fat percentage calculator.

What is Body Mass Index (BMI)?
The body mass index (BMI) is a number derived from a formula, used to compare and analyse the health effects of weight on people of all ages and heights. Use our instant online body mass index calculator to find your current BMI measurement and learn how to measure your waist circumference.
Your body mass index measurement combined with your Waist Circumference measurement can be used to determine obesity and the increased risk for various diseases.
A high waist circumference is often associated with an increased risk for type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dyslipidemia and hypertension when your BMI is calculated between 25 and 34.9. 

Waist Circumference measurement is handy for people whose BMI indicates they maybe normal or overweight. EG. an athlete with an increased muscle mass may have a BMI greater than 25 - making them overweight on the BMI scale, however a Waist Circumference measurement would indicate that they are in fact not overweight.
Men with a waist circumference more than 102 cm (40 in) and women with a waist circumference more than 88 cm (35 in) are at increased risk of developing health problems. 

To properly measure your Waist Circumference - Find your upper hip bone, the waist is usually measured at one inch above the naval, place a measuring tape around the abdomen, be sure the tape is horizontal, the tape measure should be firm but should not compress the skin. Changes in your waist circumference over time can indicate an increase or decrease in your abdominal fat, an increase in abdominal fat is associated with an greater risk of developing heart disease.

How do you calculate bmi ? Calculating BMI : body fat percentage calculator

Calculating BMI is made by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared. The equation is as follows:

This is how do you calculate bmi:
BMI = Weight (in kilograms) ÷ Height (in meters) 2

Calculating BMI : Calculate BMI in Weight :

Still ask about: how do you calculate bmi and body fat percentage calculator ?
Since weight and height measurements are more commonly made in pounds and inches respectively, if the Calculating BMI is made manually, it is much more practical to divide the weight in pounds by the height in square inches and multiply by a conversion factor which changes kilograms per square meter into pounds per square inch. That conversion factor is 703.1. Therefore, the new equation for calculating BMI using the weight and height recorded in body fat percentage calculator in pounds and inches rather than kilograms and meters is as follows:

How do you calculate bmi and body fat percentage calculator:
BMI = Weight (in pounds) X 703.1 ÷ Height (in inches) 2 > Body fat percentage calculator

Calculating BMI and Body fat percentage calculator is rarely done manually however, because of the various electronic devices that are currently available. Some Calculating BMI's are handheld while others are computer-based. A hand-held Calculating BMI and Body fat percentage calculator might be an app on a mobile device or a standalone device. Some computer-based calculators require an Internet connection for Calculating BMI and Body fat percentage calculator, whereas others can be installed on computers as independently operating programs.

Step 1: how do you calculate bmi - Calculating BMI - Body fat percentage calculator:
Calculating BMI - body fat percentage calculator with any of the electronic devices consists of entering weight and height in the respective fields, then clicking the appropriate button to perform the Calculating BMI - Body fat percentage calculator. Weight unit might be in pounds or kilograms and the height unit might be in inches, feet and inches, or centimeters, depending on the "Body fat percentage calculator".

Understanding how do you calculate bmi :

Step 2: how do you calculate bmi - Calculating BMI - Men - Women - Children -
A Calculating BMI  for men is no different from that used to calculate BMI for women, but a "Calculating BMI" for children is a little different than body fat percentage calculator, inasmuch as there is a field for entering age in addition to the fields for the weight and height. The age field takes into account the fact that children are still growing and that their growth rate varies with age. By factoring in age, the "Calculating BMI" for child is then compared with that of other children of the same age, and is expressed as a percentile, which is a more precise weight-category indicator. For example, a child with a "Calculating BMI" in the 50 percentile means that 50% of children of the same age weigh more and 50% of children of that same age weigh less than the child whose BMI was calculated. On the other hand, a child with a "Calculating BMI" in the 95 percentile weighs more than 95% of children of the same age and weighs less than only 5% of children of the same age.

What and How do you calculate bmi ?
Calculating BMI and Body fat percentage calculator is simple and fosters patient engagement in healthcare.

Notes on Accuracy 

The BMI equation is extremely popular, yet it can be extremely inaccurate and misleading. 

The equation does not take into account body composition, a measure of the percentages of muscle and fat composing your body. It is therefore less accurate if you have a non-typical amount of muscle.
This is because while a person with an above average amount of muscle is likely to be healthier because of it, the equation simply interprets the added muscle as fat and overestimates obesity. The problem is compounded by the fact that muscle weighs more than fat.

Conversely, with older persons and others with a below average amount of muscle, the BMI equation underestimates obesity.
Because of this discrepancy, if you are gaining (or losing) a significant amount of muscle with your weight loss program, checking how your clothes fit might be a better way to monitor your progress than recalculating your BMI.
A more accurate assessment can be made by measuring your body fat percentage as discussed in the topic Calculating Body Composition.


While the formula previously called the Quetelet Index for BMI dates to the 19th century, the new term "body mass index" for the ratio and its popularity date to a paper published in the July edition of 1972 in the Journal of Chronic Diseases by Ancel Keys, which found the BMI to be the best proxy for body fat percentage among ratios of weight and height; the interest in measuring body fat being due to obesity becoming a discernible issue in prosperous Western societies. BMI was explicitly cited by Keys as being appropriate for population studies, and inappropriate for individual diagnosis. Nevertheless, due to its simplicity, it came to be widely used for individual diagnosis.

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Calculating BMI and Body Fat Percentage Calculator